Cloudflare accelerates your site as it distributes the content of the site around the world and later delivers it using pipes and best protocols. It uses HTTP/2 along with an SDPY fallback and provides the content quickly to its end users. With 79 data centers around the world, Cloudflare ensures the content never stays away from the end-user.
The Cloudflare software protects the website from any content scraping and uses reputation checks and application-level attacks through a Web Application firewall.
Establish an improved and protected work environment using top-ranked web performance and security systems with Cloudflare. The software is well-organized and trusted by some of the largest networks containing more than 100 data centers worldwide that facilitates about 10 trillion requests each month. These numbers are almost 10% of the internet requests involving over 2.5 billion users in the world.
- Content Delivery Network
- Web Content Optimization
- Security
- Analytics
- Web Application Firewall
- DDOS Protection
- HTTP/2
- HTTP/2 Server Push
- Image Optimization
- Web Sockets
- IPv6 Gateway
- Spam Protection
- Scraping Protection
- Differential Compression
- Static Content Caching
- Dynamic Content Routing
- Cache purging
- Administration Console
- Availability Control
- Traffic Management
- Access Controls/Permissions
- Alerts/Notifications
- Anomaly/Malware Detection
- Firewalls
- Load Balancing
- Reporting/Analytics
- Threat Response
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Web-Application Security
- Deployment: Cloud Based, Web Based, SaaS Based
- Live Online
- Webinars
- Documentation
Cloudflare Users
Available Support
- Phone
- Live Support
Language Support
- English
Company Details
Company Name: Cloudflare
Headquarter: United States
Full Address:

The overall experience with them has been great. It’s not only simple to setup, but also they have a huge documentation library where you can get a lot of information: from them, compatibility with other softwares, best configurations, etc. The results you get by just getting their free plan are more than enough for small-medium companies. Also, they hace more than 150 servers around the world, so the performance results are really great, even comparing with some other paid services.

It sure makes managing your sites’s DNS and main configurations handy by centralizing them. It offers nice redirection features and a whole bunch of features like apps and protection, cdn, etc.

The clean cache button is hidden in a tab while it should not be. It feels like it was put there just to encourage people to pay for the service as the first tab that opens is the one that offers a paid for service and contains only a sentence and a button. I hated when they did that and hope they soon fix it. It feels like a cheap cash grab and does not feel like it belongs to such a respectable and high-quality service.

Disponibilizam somente dois servidores DNS para configuração do site, além disso todos os sites da mesma conta recebem os mesmos servidores DNS, seria interessante ter mais servidores DNS ou a opção de escolher quais servidores usar a fim de evitar que uma empresa com múltiplos domínios concentrem todos os sites nos mesmos servidores.

The only issues I’ve encountered are when Cloudflare’s proxy makes it so that other services can’t detect DNS records or caching related issues. However you can temporarily disable their proxy service at will, so it’s never a big deal.