INKY Phish Fence uses novel techniques to see each email much like a human does, to block phishing attacks that get through every other system. It is is the first email protection software to detect phishing attacks using computer vision, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Reporting/Analytics
- Spam Detection
- Allow / Block List
- Email Attachment Protection
- Reporting/Analytics
- Quarantine
- Real-time analysis engine
- Signature Management
- Email Attachment Protection
- Whitelisting/Blacklisting
- Deployment: Cloud Based, Web Based, SaaS Based
- Live Online
- Documentation
INKY Phish Fence Users
Available Support
- Business Hours
- Online
Language Support
- English
Company Details
Company Name: Inky Phish Fence
Headquarter: United States
Full Address:

Inky works great on all my platforms: iOS, Android, Mac and Windows desktops. Features are intuitive. Layout is simple and straightforward. Smart views are helpful.

Cost could be better. For small business this can cost too much so they find cheaper elsewhere for their money.

Inky trains users by color coding emails according to whether the content is phishing or suspected to be; it’s AI engine learns about our mai traffic and adjusts accordingly.

We have been impressed with Inky and how it detects phishing emails. We have previously had issues with users clicking on links in phishing emails and Inky has reduced this problem. My only criticism is the spam filtering on Inky – it is crude and we turned it off.

No Android or Windows Phone apps. Few power user features. Not well suited for business. Slower on Windows than Mac in testing. Not for advanced users